Sunday, January 21, 2007

Chapter 1

The morning sunlight shines brightly through a small hole in the roof of the impromptu flophouse. Genji stirs from his restless sleep woken by the offensive light now shining directly into his eyes. He curses softly under his breath and thrashes around in his blanket as the devious beam of light seems to determined to wake him. Finally, admitting defeat, he rolls onto his back folding his arms neatly beneath his head. He sighs deeply while a chorus of blue birds sing sweetly in the new morning light. Genji can hardly remember a time when he was able to sit back and listen to the morning birds. It was all so,... peaceful...


Miyuki never imagined that she would come to open the shop like she does every morning and there would be someone sleeping on the floor of her noodle shop. Much less TWO people. Instinct kicks in and with her eyes squeezed shut she screams at the top of her lungs, "THEIVES, THEIVES!!"

Genji nearly jumps out of his pants she startles him so bad. He stumbles clumsily to his feet trying to fend off the ruthless attack. Using his arms to protect his head and face he scrambles to gather his belongings. The woman swings wildly at him with the broom gripped tightly in her fingers still screaming at the top of her lungs.

"HEY! OW! QUIT it! I haven't stolen ANYTHING!!! STOP HITTING me will YOU?!?!"

Meanwhile, only a few feet above the commotion, Suri sits straddled atop the roof cursing softly under her breath. "Why do I have to fix the roof?!" Leaning back onto her heels she sighs and wipes her brow. Shielding her eyes from the bright sun with her hand she surveys the rooftop taking inventory of the many holes that are now in the rooftop of the cafe. "Damn." She leans over the hole she is presently repairing and lifts the hammer high above her head. A loud shriek stops her mid-strike. "AAIIIIEEEEEE!!!" It takes a moment for her to realize that the screaming is coming from below her. She pokes her head through one of the holes in the rooftop to see her mother wailing on some poor guy with a broom.

"Oh boy." she mutters under her breathe.

Miyuki continues to swing with all her might. Meanwhile, the larger figure on the floor stirs. An older man, possibly the boys father, slowly sits up. He yawns and stretches lazily oblivious to the ruckus in the room with him. He slowly rises to his feet, stretching again with his hands straight up in the air and then bending at the waist to touch his toes. He continues to do what appears to be his morning calisthetics swinging his arms in circles one way and then the other.

"POP!!! Geez, HEY OWW Lady that HURT!!! POP help me out here!!!"

The man slowly gathers his belongings, folds them neatly and tucks them away in a large knapsack. Miyuki still screaming and battering Genji in the room. Finally rolling up his mattress and securing it to the bag he stands and turns to Miyuki bowing deeply at the waist.

"We apologize for the inconvienince. Thank you for letting us rest our weary bodies on the floor of your shop."

Miyuki freezes in mid-swing, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Genji's expression isn't much different before he starts yelling in his father's face. "What's the BIG deal?? Your THANKING her?? She just beats the CRAP out of ME!!!"

"You're very welcome dear sir." Genji turns to see his attacker smiling sweetly and returning the low bow. His mouth drops in disbelief. "I don't believe this..."

"Ahem. Um... Ma? What's going on...?"

Startled, Genji whirls around to find himself nose to nose with a girl no older than him, half of her body suspended from one of the holes in the roof.

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