Sunday, January 21, 2007


It is a black and stormy night in a small rural town located in the southern tip of Kanagawa, Japan.

Most of the small towns residence had taken refuge in the home and the streets seem empty as the winds howl through the narrow alleyways and the pebble-sized rain drops beat mercilessly at the rooftops. However, amongst the tiny building, two dark figures struggle against the undaunting winds. Their rain-soaked cloaks shield them from the harsh rain while casting a black shadow over their faces. The larger of the two silohoutted figures stops to readjust the oversized duffel strapped to his back. The other quickly comes to his aid and relieves him of his burden and motions for him to follow him to a near-by building. The smaller figure pries at a board covered window and tosses the heavy sack into the dark window frame. One after the other they silently slip in. A red wooden sign flails in the torturous winds and flash of lightning in the distance momentarily luminates the sign revealing large white letters that read, "The Lucky Cat Cafe".

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